A reality show contestant named Spencer “Corry” Jones, competing in “Race to Survive: New Zealand,” killed and ate a protected weka bird. This action was illegal and punishable by up to two years in prison or a fine of nearly $60,000.
Despite the severity of the offense, Jones was only issued a warning by the New Zealand Department of Conservation. The department cited the “unique” circumstances of the show, where contestants were tired, hungry, and in an unusual group dynamic.
Jones and his teammate were disqualified from the competition after the incident. The show’s producers were also given a warning and are “on notice” about the need to ensure contestants adhere to conservation laws.
The weka, a flightless bird, is a protected species in mainland New Zealand, due to its declining population. However, harvesting weka is legal on some surrounding islands.
The show’s producers stated that they alerted authorities as soon as they became aware of the incident and that contestants were briefed on wildlife rules beforehand.
Despite the leniency shown to Jones, the incident highlights the importance of respecting conservation laws and the unique flora and fauna of New Zealand.