The Uttar Pradesh government and Dorna Sports have officially agreed to host the MotoGP Bharat in India from 2025 to 2027. The races will be held at the Buddha International Circuit in March, shifting from the original September date due to unfavorable weather conditions.

The 2024 race was canceled due to these weather concerns, which included high temperatures and humidity, making it uncomfortable for riders. The new March date offers better weather conditions.

Dorna Sports CEO Carmelo Ezpeleta stated that India is a crucial market for MotoGP, with a large and growing fanbase, and the potential to attract even more fans due to the country’s prevalence of motorcycles.

The new contract doesn’t mention Fairstreet Sports, leaving their involvement uncertain. It’s also unclear if the Uttar Pradesh government will appoint a local promoter. The first MotoGP Bharat race in 2023 drew over 100,000 spectators.

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