Following a disappointing performance in the Lok Sabha elections, the Bengal BJP unit held a two-day brainstorming session to discuss the reasons behind their losses. Several leaders called for a change in leadership and greater accountability within the state organization.
Senior BJP leader Saumitra Khan stated that the party needs a change of guard and greater accountability after the poor election results. He said the people have sent a message through the election results.
Another senior leader, who wished to remain anonymous, echoed Khan’s sentiment, emphasizing the need for an overhaul of the state unit to improve performance in the upcoming 2026 assembly polls.
Former BJP MP Arjun Singh also acknowledged the party’s shortcomings and emphasized the need for swift action to address them before the next assembly elections.
BJP state president Sukanta Majumdar acknowledged the party’s loss of seats but highlighted the positive aspects of their vote share. He also stressed the need to identify the reasons for the setbacks and work towards countering the TMC’s influence.
Leader of the Opposition in the West Bengal Assembly, Suvendu Adhikari, faced criticism for the party’s state performance but clarified that he did not oversee the organization and was not responsible for the organizational aspects of the state unit.
Despite the party’s internal discussions, a group of party workers known as “BJP Banchao Mancha” staged a protest outside the state headquarters, demanding action against leaders they hold responsible for the poor poll performance.